Akkreditierungen AW25

© Haderlump SS25 / picture: Moritz Högemann

Für die Akkreditierung von Industry Professionals aus der Modebranche, die an den Shows und Events der Berlin Fashion Week im Februar 2025 teilnehmen möchten, können diese das offizielle BFW-Akkreditierungsformular verwenden. Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Akkreditierung Expert:innen der Modebranche vorbehalten ist, die die Veranstaltungen beruflich besuchen. Expert:innen sind Pressevertreter,:innen Einkäufer:innen, Influencer/Content Creators, Stylist:innen, Fotograf:innen, Fernsehsender (TV/Online), Sales Agents und ähnliche.

Wichtiger Hinweis - bitte vor der Anmeldung sorgfältig lesen:

  • Die Berlin Fashion Week versendet keine Einladungen zu Shows und Side-Events.
  • Durch das Ausfüllen und Absenden des Formulars bekunden Sie Ihr Interesse, an der Show oder dem Event teilzunehmen, dies ist kein Garant für eine Einladung. 
  • Die Berlin Fashion Week wird Ihre Kontaktinformationen an die Marken und Veranstalter:innen weitergeben.
  • Alle Einladungen liegen im Ermessen der jeweiligen Marke und der Veranstalter:innen.
  • Mit dem Absenden Ihrer Anfrage erklären Sie sich damit einverstanden, dass die BFW Ihre Kontaktdaten an die Marken und Veranstalter:innen weitergibt, damit diese Sie bezüglich Einladungen und Informationen über die Show/Veranstaltung kontaktieren können.

1. First name *

2. Last name *

3. Position *

4. Company/Media *

5. Email *

6. Website *

7. Sample of Work (feel free to share an article, a campaign, etc. that you have created).

8. Instagram handle *

9. I would like to make use of the bus shuttle.

10. Would you like to add a personal message? *

11. Schedule

  • Event, Side Event

    YOONAVERSE | Fashion Beyond Reality: The Virtual Experience (Virtual BFW event)

    YOONAVERSE | Fashion Beyond Reality brings Berlin Fashion Week to the virtual stage. Experience real-time broadcasts of the top shows, cutting-edge talks on fashion tech innovation, virtual fashion brands, NFTs, gamification, and more. Step into the future of fashion with immersive content tailored to inspire and engage.

    Open to public.



  • Event, Side Event


    The essence is in the name: Today and for the foreseeable future, the making of every piece of clothing worldwide will involve sewing by human hands. With their signature technique of paint-sewing, HUMAN TOUCH showcases the human labor that we all rely on to make our clothes: With hands covered in paint during the sewing process, the fingerprints of tailors, workers, machinists become visible on the garment.

    10781 BERLIN

    JAN 30 — FEB 02 2025
    THU + FRI 12 — 19H
    SAT + SUN 11 — 19H

    Open to public. 


    Transparent Platform

    Goltzsstraße 15 10781 Berlin


  • Event, Side Event

    NEXT GEN Pop Up

    Das NEXT GEN Pop Up von PLATTE.Berlin bietet aufstrebenden Modedesigner:innen eine Bühne, um ihre Kollektionen erstmals einem breiten Publikum zu präsentieren. Dieses innovative Format, das im Rahmen der Berliner Fashion Week stattfindet, ermöglicht jungen Talenten wertvolle Retail-Erfahrungen. Die Arbeiten werden vorab von einer hochkarätigen Jury ausgewählt, bestehend aus Prof. Anke Schlöder (HTW Berlin), Denzel Russell (Highsnobiety), Charissa Chiocarelli (ISLA Berlin), Sven Marquardt (Fotograf), Stefan Sauerbrey (Tip Berlin) und Julian Daynov (NEUDEUTSCH/Luxury Marketeer). Ein Launchevent am Freitag den 31.01.25 markiert den offiziellen Start des NEXT GEN Pop Up zur Berliner Fashion Week. Mit Fokus auf Nachwuchsförderung, Community und Social Conscience positioniert sich das NEXT GEN Pop Up als unverzichtbarer Bestandteil der Fashion Week und unterstützt die nächste Generation kreativer Talente. 

    By invitation only. Accreditation requests can be made via accreditation tool, HERE.



    Memhardstraße 8 10178 Berlin


  • Event, Side Event

    The Power of Sustainability Communication - From Compliance to Inspiration

    by hessnatur Stiftung & Schwedische Botschaft

    Sustainability is more than a trend - it is a key driver of value, innovation and regulatory compliance. But how can companies communicate their sustainability efforts authentically to inspire customers, employees and stakeholders alike?
    This event brings together experts from the textile and fashion industries, academia and communication to explore:
    • Is sustainability a true driver of brand value?
    • How can businesses turn EU regulatory demands into compelling, inspiring messages
    • What are the best practices for communicating sustainability authentically and effectively?
    Discover insights from leading brands, alongside experts in sustainability communication. Learn strategies for impactful storytelling, avoiding greenwashing and leveraging transparency as a competitive advantage.
    Join us to shape the Future of Fashion!
    By invitation only. Accreditation requests can be made via accreditation tool, HERE.


    Schwedische Botschaft

    Rauchstraße 1 10787 Berlin


  • Show

    Kilian Kerner Berlin

    A timeless runway experience, exclusively by invitation. Showcasing our new collection „SHITSTORM“.

    By invitation only. Accreditation requests can be made via accreditation tool, HERE.


    Uber Eats Music Hall

    Mercedes-Platz 2 10243 Berlin


  • Berlin Contemporary, Show


    By invitation only. Accreditation requests can be made via accreditation tool, HERE.



  • Show

    Danny Reinke

    A timeless runway experience, exclusively by invitation. Presenting our latest collection: 90 Seconds to Midnight.

    By invitation only. Accreditation requests can be made via accreditation tool, HERE.


    Uber Eats Music Hall

    Mercedes-Platz 2 10243 Berlin


  • Event, Side Event

    Marina Hoermanseder AW25 Fashion Show

    Immerse yourself in a universe where boldness meets artistry. Marina Hoermanseder, the driving creative force behind her label, merges innovative cuts with fetish elements, playing with sharp juxtapositions. Her avant-garde creations redefine the norm, celebrating the charm of unconventional beauty. The young French-Austrian designer channels individuality into her work, blending exceptional craftsmanship with designs that are both eccentric and refined. From flawlessly structured leather corsets to intricate closures mixed with delicate fabrics, each piece is a testament to her unique vision. It’s a fusion of bold contrasts and unexpected details, where each element commands attention. Experience the world of Marina Hoermanseder, where fashion becomes a bold statement of elegance and individuality.

    By invitation only. Accreditation requests can be made via accreditation tool, HERE.



  • Event, Side Event

    Angelica Blechschmidt - In the Archives

    Angelica Blechschmidt, former editor-in-chief of German Vogue, left behind a remarkable photographic archive that documents fashion’s vibrant scenes both on and off the runway. This collection is now preserved and curated by Kirsten Landwehr in the AAB (Archiv Angelica Blechschmidt), a dedicated archive created to safeguard and showcase Blechschmidt’s legacy.


    Chateau Royal

    Neustädtische Kirchstraße 3 10117 Berlin


  • Berlin Contemporary, Show

    Sia Arnika

    By invitation only. Accreditation requests can be made via accreditation tool, HERE.



  • Event, Side Event

    MADE TO LAST: über Mode, Nachhaltigkeit & Qualität

    Welche Rolle spielt Qualität für nachhaltigere Mode? Fashion Changers lädt zum Abend mit spannenden Input, interaktiven Workshop und praktischen Einblicken in langlebige Kleidung ein. Ihr erfahrt, woran sich hochwertige Mode erkennen lässt und wie ihr sie pflegen oder reparieren könnt. Beim anschließenden Get-Together könnt ihr Kleidung mitbringen und vor Ort reparieren oder besticken lassen. 

    By registration.


    Peek & Cloppenburg Conscious Fashion Store

    Alte Potsdamer Straße 7 10785 Berlin


  • Show

    Marcel Ostertag

    A classical runway show by invitation only. Showcasing our new collection INSOMNIA
    By invitation only. Accreditation requests can be made via accreditation tool, HERE.


    Uber Eats Music Hall

    Mercedes-Platz 2 10243 Berlin


  • Event, Side Event


    Reality Bites is not here to play it safe.
    A confrontation of topics other shy away from - provocative, polarizing and unfiltered.

    By invitation only. Accreditation requests can be made via accreditation tool, HERE.



    Memhardstraße 8 10178 Berlin


  • Event, Side Event

    Collection Launch: Where do you see the sun?

    Sezgin ist ein in Berlin ansässiges Modelabel, das kurdisches Erbe mit modernem Design verbindet, um geschlechtsneutrale, ausdrucksstarke Stücke zu kreieren. Die Marke konzentriert sich auf traditionelle Techniken wie Stricken und Häkeln, gepaart mit nachhaltigen Praktiken und der Verwendung von Restposten und Second-Hand-Materialien. Jedes Stück wird in sorgfältiger Handarbeit hergestellt, um eine tiefere emotionale Verbindung zwischen dem Träger und dem Kleidungsstück zu schaffen. Sezgin legt Wert auf eine begrenzte Produktion, die Individualität, Qualität und Nachhaltigkeit in den Vordergrund stellt und gleichzeitig die Normen der Fast Fashion in Frage stellt. 
    By invitation only. Accreditation requests can be made via accreditation tool, HERE.



  • Show

    Marc Cain

    By invitation only. Accreditation requests can be made via accreditation tool, HERE.



  • Event, Side Event


    Runway Show, by invitation only. Presenting our FW25 collection REBUILT.

    Accreditation requests can be made via accreditation tool, HERE.



  • Side Event


    LAURIN SCHULER is a Berlin based fashion designer who pushes the boundaries of his art. By creating glamorous perspectives coming to light in clothing and textile, luminous effects are developed through an experimental approach. Spacious silhouettes and craftsmanship are the foundation of Schulers collections and works over the last years. With tulle as an often used base of the collections the material is transformed in new unexpected appearances. 
    By invitation only. Accreditation requests can be made via accreditation tool, HERE.



  • Show


    By invitation only. Accreditation requests can be made via accreditation tool, HERE.


    Kleine Auguststraße

    Kleine Auguststraße 2 - 3 10119 Berlin


  • Event, Side Event


    The BUNTE NEW FACES PARTY has been one of the party highlights during fashion week in Berlin for several years now. The BUNTE magazine editorial team invites celebrities and designers, up-and-coming talents, influencers and entrepreneurs from the worlds of fashion and entertainment to celebrate the start of Fashion Week together. Every year, DJs from the Berlin scene provide the right party sound, so that the dancefloor vibrates all night long.

    By invitation only. Accreditation requests can be made via accreditation tool, HERE.



  • Dinner, Side Event

    Fireside Dinner: The Official BFW Opening

    Die offizielle Eröffnung der Berlin Fashion Week wird vom Fashion Council Germany und der Senatsverwaltung für Wirtschaft, Energie und öffentliche Unternehmen ausgerichtet.

    By invitation only. Accreditation requests can be made via accreditation tool, HERE.



    Französische Straße 47 10117 Berlin


  • Event, Side Event


    “6ad Stitches” by Antonia Sprenger showcases crocheted and knitted designs that, through reusable fabrics and creative asymmetry, stage the resilient struggle of life against impermanence and fragility. Sprenger began her artistic fashion project while battling a heart tumor.

    In her current collection “SpeedWear”, Celina Suchy translates the design language of iconic sports cars into fashion, capturing attention and turning heads on the street. The automotive heartbeat becomes wearable. She creates designs that are anything but ordinary.


    IMPARI Store

    Torstraße 3 10119 Berlin


  • Event, Side Event

    YOONAVERSE | Fashion Beyond Reality: The Virtual Experience (Virtual BFW event)

    YOONAVERSE | Fashion Beyond Reality brings Berlin Fashion Week to the virtual stage. Experience real-time broadcasts of the top shows, cutting-edge talks on fashion tech innovation, virtual fashion brands, NFTs, gamification, and more. Step into the future of fashion with immersive content tailored to inspire and engage.

    Open to public.



  • Event, Side Event


    Tonya Matyu visual journey across fashion weeks. 3 days of photographic exhibition and talks with industry professionals taking you behind the scenes of fashion shows. Moderated by Kimyana Hachmann.

    By invitation only. Accreditation requests can be made via accreditation tool, HERE.


    Studio Stellar

    Urbanstraße 124 10967 Berlin


  • Event, Side Event

    Berlin Contemporary Showroom

    Fashion Council Germany invites press representatives, stylists, buyers, and fashion professionals to to an exciting viewing of the latest Berlin Contemporary designers' collections at the Berlin Contemporary AW25 showroom. Set within the elegant Hotel Château Royal Berlin, this intimate setting offers a unique opportunity to experience the creativity and craftsmanship behind the new collections up close. The showroom will be open to invited guests from February 1st. to February 3rd.

    By invitation only. Accreditation requests can be made via accreditation tool, HERE.


    Chateau Royal

    Neustädtische Kirchstraße 3 10117 Berlin


  • Event, Side Event

    SWAROVSKI Celebrity Collection Launch

    Swarovski stands for Masters of Light and creates beautiful products of impeccable quality and craftsmanship that bring joy and celebrate individuality.
    Founded in 1895 in Austria, the company designs, manufactures, and sells the world's finest crystals, Swarovski Created Diamonds and zirconia, jewelry, and accessories, as well as home décor. Swarovski´s connection to the fashion industry dates back 130 years, collaborating with houses as Dior, Chanel, Lanvin and many more. As strong brand in Pop Culture, recently Swarovski crystals have starred in movies such as Bohemian Rhapsody, Black Swan, The Great Gatsby and Cinderella. Ariana Grande, Doja Cat, Elton John, Lady Gaga, Jennifer Lopez, Beyoncé, Taylor Swift and Harry Styles are just a handful of stars whose performance looks feature Swarovski crystals.

    By invitation only. Accreditation requests can be made via accreditation tool, HERE.


    Soho House Berlin

    Torstr. 1 10119 Berlin


  • Event, Side Event

    "B-Stories" Pop-Up Store by Natascha von Hirschhausen

    With a unique store concept and exhibition, Natascha von Hirschhausen brings change-makers and their stories together under one roof. The brands Société Angelique, PB0110, DAWN Denim and Alina Schürfeld will share their journeys and showcase a selection of products next to The Lissome Magazine at our Natascha von Hirschhausen store. 
    Beyond fleeting trends and hypes, we seek the stories of transformation that drive and evolve our economy. Our focus is on design, forward-thinking concepts, and the people behind them. We aim to demonstrate that a value-driven economic system is not only possible but inspiring by creating a space where creativity and design are celebrated.

     By invitation only. Accreditation requests can be made via accreditation tool, HERE.


    Natascha von Hirschhausen Store

    Friedrichstraße 67 10117 Berlin


  • Show


    In their Berlin Fashion Week debut, OBS is showcasing its principle of functionally driven design within a vivid performance. OBS invites its guests to experience the moments that have shaped and influenced its vision.

    By invitation only. Accreditation requests can be made via accreditation tool, HERE.



  • Side Event

    Valentine’s Date by Kitschy Couture

    Kitschy Couture is a celebration of diasporic identity! The founder of the label, Abarna Kugathasan, explores the intimate tale of her transcultural self. Merging Sri Lankan roots, Tamil ancestry and a Western upbringing. As a child of Tamil immigrants, Kugathasan expresses her own identity and honours cultural duality. The sugary landscape of Kitschy Couture uncovers the diasporic sense of longing and the meaning of homesickness. The lingerie and sari inspired ruffly creations represent the trademark style of the German based label. Fusing traditional and contemporary influences, Kitschy Couture is crafting a dreamy fairytale through sculptural silhouettes. For this upcoming season the brand is inviting you to a romantic Valentine's date, to treat yourself.

    By invitation only. Accreditation requests can be made via accreditation tool, HERE.


    Soho House Berlin

    Torstr. 1 10119 Berlin


  • Berlin Contemporary, Show


    Established in 2017 by Haitian-German designer Zec Elie-Meire, COLRS made a striking entrance into the fashion world with its runway debut in Lagos, Nigeria. His designs reflect his multicultural background with a unique blend of joyful and punk influences.

    By invitation only. Accreditation requests can be made via accreditation tool, HERE.



  • NEWEST, Berlin Contemporary, Show


    By invitation only. Accreditation requests can be made via accreditation tool, HERE.


    Halle am Berghain

    Am Wriezener Bahnhof 10243 Berlin


  • Berlin Contemporary, Show


    Bei SVEASØN trifft Mode auf Kunst. Das Unternehmen kreiert nachhaltige, geschlechtsneutrale Designs, die Individualität und Inklusivität zelebrieren. Mit wendbaren, anpassbaren Kleidungsstücken, die von der Bildhauerkunst inspiriert sind, ermöglicht SVEASØN die Selbstdarstellung und definiert zeitgenössische Mode neu. Jedes Stück ist ein einzigartiges Statement der Kreativität, das innovative Handwerkskunst mit ethischen Werten verbindet.
    By invitation only. Accreditation requests can be made via accreditation tool, HERE.


    KINDL - Zentrum für zeitgenössische Kunst

    Am Sudhaus 3 12053 Berlin


  • Event, Side Event

    Becoming a Fashion Bank Robber

    Get ready for an exciting collaboration at BFW 2025: Fashion For Bankrobbers by Carina Shoshtary and Luise Zücker, two powerhouse creatives in wearable art, unite in Berlin to blur the boundaries of fashion and art. Experience an interactive live photoshoot performance by Container Love Magazine, featuring transformative headpieces and empowering jewelry. Shoshtary’s avant-garde masks meet Zücker’s bold, gender-fluid designs, celebrating diverse individuality and self-expression. Together, they challenge conventions, empowering wearers to transform not just their look but their sense of self. Don’t miss this immersive celebration of design and empowerment!

    By invitation only. Accreditation requests can be made via accreditation tool, HERE.



    Memhardstraße 8 10178 Berlin


  • Show

    Maria Chany

    By invitation only. Accreditation requests can be made via accreditation tool, HERE.


    Berlin Recycling


  • Event, Side Event

    Nowrubi Confidential Runway Showroom supported by Neo.Fashion.

    Nowrubi, crafted in Berlin by Ruben Nowak, embodies premium artistry and individuality. A retired German Airforce officer with years at the US Army, Ruben fuses structured precision with Berlin's ready-to-wear fashion energy. His designs reflect a bold journey of heritage and innovation, inviting followers to join his pursuit of a lifelong dream.

    By invitation only. Accreditation requests can be made via accreditation tool, HERE.



    Marlene-Dietrich-Platz 5 10785 Berlin


  • Event, Side Event

    BLACK IN FASHION II: Pop Up Closing

    BUKI AKOMOLAFE is a Contemporary slow clothing Brand and an hommage to the gentlewoman of today. A refined balance between clean European, classical tailoring and traditional craftsmanship and techniques of West-Africa.

    EMEKA is a black and green social enterprise. Black, because it is black owned, black made and created to empower African industries. Green, because it is partially using upcycled materials, aiming for a waste free production chain and exploring new ideas of sustainability.

    By invitation only. Accreditation requests can be made via accreditation tool, HERE.


    Showroom Buki Akomolafe & Emeka

    Mehringdamm 75 10965 Berlin


  • Berlin Contemporary, Show

    Lou de Bètoly

    LOU DE BÈTOLY is a French designer based in Berlin, known for creating delicate, detail-oriented, and expressive garments for women of all ages. Her work combines elegance with extravagance, fragility with chaos, and innovation with nostalgia, deliberately challenging the boundaries of fashion. De Bètoly's pieces are crafted exclusively from reworked vintage and deadstock materials, with an emphasis on natural fibers and traditional handcrafting techniques.

    By invitation only. Accreditation requests can be made via accreditation tool, HERE.



  • Event, Side Event

    Design Academy ADAPT Showcase

    The Design Academy is developed in collaboration between VORN - The Berlin Fashion Hub and Zalando with the aim to use the power of community to foster positive, long-lasting transformations within the fashion industry. The event highlights include a warm welcome from representatives of the Berlin Senate, VORN, and Zalando; an engaging Q&A session with an Adaptive Fashion influencer and finalist designers; inspiring presentations of Adaptive Fashion concepts; and a celebratory networking session with drinks, finger food, and DJ music.

    By invitation only. Accreditation requests can be made via accreditation tool, HERE.


    BIKINI Berlin

    Budapester Straße 38-50 10787 Berlin


  • Event, Side Event

    “REBIRTH” by Jade Gritsfeldt & Dan Carabas

    Experience REBIRTH: a transformative exploration of recycled fashion by Ukrainian designer Jade Gritsfeldt in collaboration with artist Dan Carabas. This immersive show features models wearing stunning pieces made from upcycled materials, including a corset made from shoes and armor from plastic remnants, all hand-made by skilled artisans in Ukraine. Carabas will also unveil his thought-provoking Metamorphic Sculptures and perform live, symbolizing Gritsfeldt’s personal journey of rebirth and transformation in art and fashion.

    By invitation only. Accreditation requests can be made via accreditation tool, HERE.


    Red House

    Charlottenstr. 63 10117 Berlin


  • Event, Side Event

    MAHORDE Season 3 : Collection installation

    MAHORDE forges a profound connection between craftsmanship and storytelling. The brand was founded in 2021 in Berlin ,by Belgian designer Aliosha Melis. Working as an observer-collector, Melis gathers fragments from her daily life and weaves them into garments, with a strong focus on tailoring in her work process. Each collection unfolds its own narrative through delicate textile manipulation and meticulous handwork. In the beauty of controlled chaos – where found imperfections are purposefully deconstructed and reconstructed, MAHORDE garments carry an evolving story. From contributors to wearers, MAHORDE bridges individual expression and collective identity, becoming both a personal statement and a shared experience.

    By registration only. Accreditation requests can be made via accreditation tool, HERE.



    Oranienstraße 25 10999 Berlin


  • Berlin Contemporary, Show


    By invitation only. Accreditation requests can be made via accreditation tool, HERE.



  • Berlin Contemporary, Show

    Richert Beil

    By invitation only. Accreditation requests can be made via accreditation tool, HERE.



    Fichtestraße 6 10967 Berlin


  • Event, Side Event

    AS BARE AS YOU ARE - Supportet by Neo.Fashion.

    Celebrating 10 years of BARE - brought to life by the creative faculty of the Business & Law School Berlin (BSP) and supported by Neo.Fashion.

    By invitation only. Accreditation requests can be made via accreditation tool, HERE.



    Marlene-Dietrich-Platz 5 10785 Berlin


  • Berlin Contemporary, Show


    Haderlump Atelier Berlin presents the SOLIVAGANT AW25 collection, inspired by the fashion of rail passengers in the mid-20th century. It builds on their SS25 AERO collection and concludes their exploration of the leitmotif movement.

    By invitation only. Accreditation requests can be made via accreditation tool, HERE.



  • Event, Side Event

    YOONAVERSE | Fashion Beyond Reality: The Virtual Experience (Virtual BFW event)

    YOONAVERSE | Fashion Beyond Reality brings Berlin Fashion Week to the virtual stage. Experience real-time broadcasts of the top shows, cutting-edge talks on fashion tech innovation, virtual fashion brands, NFTs, gamification, and more. Step into the future of fashion with immersive content tailored to inspire and engage.

    Open to public.



  • Event, Side Event


    Tonya Matyu visual journey across fashion weeks. 3 days of photographic exhibition and talks with industry professionals taking you behind the scenes of fashion shows. Moderated by Kimyana Hachmann.

    By invitation only. Accreditation requests can be made via accreditation tool, HERE.


    Studio Stellar

    Urbanstraße 124 10967 Berlin


  • Event, Side Event

    Berlin Contemporary Showroom

    Fashion Council Germany invites press representatives, stylists, buyers, and fashion professionals to to an exciting viewing of the latest Berlin Contemporary designers' collections at the Berlin Contemporary AW25 showroom. Set within the elegant Hotel Château Royal Berlin, this intimate setting offers a unique opportunity to experience the creativity and craftsmanship behind the new collections up close. The showroom will be open to invited guests from February 1st. to February 3rd.

    By invitation only. Accreditation requests can be made via accreditation tool, HERE.


    Chateau Royal

    Neustädtische Kirchstraße 3 10117 Berlin


  • Show

    Kasia Kucharska

    Kasia Kucharska is part of the format "Intervention" organized by Reference Studios. More Information can be found HERE

    By invitation only. Accreditation requests can be made via accreditation tool, HERE.



  • Show

    rebekka ruétz

    By invitation only. Accreditation requests can be made via accreditation tool, HERE.


    Alte Münze

    Molkenmarkt 2 10179 Berlin


  • Show

    Melisa Minca

    Melisa Minca introduces (R)EVOLUTION IRRESISTIBLE. The revolution starts within. Inspired by Adrienne Maree Brown’s book Pleasure Activism (2019), (R)EVOLUTION IRRESISTIBLE explores how embracing pleasure and joy can be a radical act in the fight for social justice. MM’s own personal journey as a fashion-activist has led her to believe in fashion’s ability to capture attention and present revolutionary ideas and inspire individuals in ways that are tangible and relatable. The show aims to weave creativity, truth, and vision to inspire collective action. (R)EVOLUTION IRRESISTIBLE invites a broad audience to reimagine activism as a space for creativity, connection, and emotional fulfilment. 

    This collection will feature discarded materials and garments, reclaimed and reworked into designer pieces. The reimagined garments re-emphasize the importance of the reclamation of joy, lifeforce and empowerment, and that fashion can be an active force that makes change attainable.
    By invitation only. Accreditation requests can be made via accreditation tool, HERE.


    Vierte Welt

    Adalbertstraße 96 10999 Berlin


  • Event, Side Event

    On the Cover of... by H6

    H6 is an artistic bond between six emerging designers from all different parts of Germany.
    In their work Chantal Wehran, Jasmin Wottke, Maira Gath, Michelle Bohnes, Niclas Hasemann and Paula Dischinger communicate their shared focus on cross-disciplinary exploration and the appreciation for traditional crafts – values that are essential in building a better future for fashion. H6 is a display of how synergy can be developed by embracing diversity.
    By invitation only. Accreditation requests can be made via accreditation tool, HERE.


    Studio Cherie

    Hobrechtstraße 65-66 12047 Berlin


  • Berlin Contemporary, Show


    LUEDER is part of the format "Intervention" organized by Reference Studios. More Information can be found HERE

    By invitation only. Accreditation requests can be made via accreditation tool, HERE.



  • Berlin Contemporary, Show



    Chateau Royal

    Neustädtische Kirchstraße 3 10117 Berlin


  • Berlin Contemporary, Show

    Clara Colette Miramon

    By invitation only. Accreditation requests can be made via accreditation tool, HERE.



  • Berlin Contemporary, Show



    Werkstatt für alles GmbH

    Bouchéstraße 12 12435 Berlin


  • Event, Side Event


    Ein Pop-up-Event in Berlin Mitte, mit der Berliner Zeitung als Hauptpartner, die den Raum zur Verfügung stellt. Das Event beginnt mit der Präsentation der neuesten Atelier Collection, gefolgt von einem Breakfast für wichtige Partner am nächsten Morgen. 

    Ein öffentlicher Bereich wird den Besuchern die Möglichkeit bieten, die Marke Balletshofer zu entdecken. In diesem Raum können Gäste Kaffee genießen, in Magazinen stöbern, die neuesten Arbeiten betrachten oder direkt mit Mitgliedern von BALLETSHOFER in Kontakt treten. 
    Abgerundet wird alles mit einer Closing Party. Das Ergebnis wird ein Ort der Begegnung sein, an dem alle, die BALLETSHOFER intensiver kennenlernen möchten, auf ihre Kosten kommen. 
    By invitation only. Accreditation requests can be made via accreditation tool, HERE.


    Kleine Auguststraße

    Kleine Auguststraße 2 - 3 10119 Berlin


  • Event, Side Event

    202030 SUMMIT x HASTE STUDIOS present "The Dialogue: Designing Change with AI, Biocircularity & Coopetition"

    202030 SUMMIT x HASTE STUDIO jointly invite progressive minds for an evening beyond the current typical discourses about the future of nearly everything.. 
    We are all about reality checks, real conversations and building relationships that last much longer than your average T-Shirt. We offer no panel, no keynote, no public—but fine food, passionate professionals and hands-on ideas to tackle global challenges collaboratively.

    By invitation only. Accreditation requests can be made via accreditation tool, HERE.



    Oranienstraße 25 10999 Berlin


  • Show

    Marlon Ferry

    Spring 2025 Couture Show

    By invitation only. Accreditation requests can be made via accreditation tool, HERE.


    Bunker West

    Hohenzollerndamm 120 12199 Berlin


  • Berlin Contemporary, Show


    Runway Show of the AW25 collection performed as an intimate salon-style presentation. The Show is part of INTERVENTION and will showcase both Mens- and Womenswear.

    By invitation only. Accreditation requests can be made via accreditation tool, HERE.



  • Event, Side Event

    Melagence Showroom

    MELAGENCE [MƏLAƷⱭ̃S] wurde 2013 von Mela Bauer als Mode-Vertriebsagentur gegründet. MELAGENCE vereint wortwörtlich und gedanklich den Namen der Gründerin und ihre persönliche Vision einer Agentur, die einen authentischen Service für die Marken verkörpert, die sie und ihr Team lieben und bei ihrer wirtschaftlichen Expansion unterstützen. Vom Hauptsitz in Berlin aus agierend, hat MELAGENCE mit einer einzigartigen Kombination aus Kreativität und Professionalität im Vertrieb und Marketing internationaler Mode- und Lifestyle-Marken schnell Aufmerksamkeit in der internationalen Agenturszene erlangt. Dem Handel und seinen Konsumenten einen selektiven und vielfältigen Mix von Marken anzubieten, die der MELAGENCE-Ästhetik entsprechen und gleichzeitig kommerziell relevant sind, gilt als eines der grundlegenden und erfolgreichen Prinzipien der Agentur. Dennoch wird eine Marke immer mit Bedacht ausgewählt, basierend auf Stil, Kollektion, Produkten, Designer, Werten und Geschichte, die dann mit Bedacht kommuniziert wird. Dies ermöglicht es MELAGENCE, zu überraschen und zu inspirieren sowie seine ästhetische Anziehungskraft mit einer gut kuratierten Kollektion für jede Saison zu vermitteln.

    By invitation only. Accreditation requests can be made via accreditation tool, HERE.


    Melagence Showroom

    Gutenbergstr. 2 10587 Berlin


  • Event, Side Event


    Tonya Matyu visual journey across fashion weeks. 3 days of photographic exhibition and talks with industry professionals taking you behind the scenes of fashion shows. Moderated by Kimyana Hachmann.

    By invitation only. Accreditation requests can be made via accreditation tool, HERE.


    Studio Stellar

    Urbanstraße 124 10967 Berlin


  • Event, Side Event

    Berlin Contemporary Showroom

    Fashion Council Germany invites press representatives, stylists, buyers, and fashion professionals to to an exciting viewing of the latest Berlin Contemporary designers' collections at the Berlin Contemporary AW25 showroom. Set within the elegant Hotel Château Royal Berlin, this intimate setting offers a unique opportunity to experience the creativity and craftsmanship behind the new collections up close. The showroom will be open to invited guests from February 1st. to February 3rd.

    By invitation only. Accreditation requests can be made via accreditation tool, HERE.


    Chateau Royal

    Neustädtische Kirchstraße 3 10117 Berlin


  • NEWEST, Berlin Contemporary, Show


    Inspired by TIME: How do we measure it? 
    An exploration of moments, movements, and memories : where past, present, and future collide in fabric, form, and feeling. 

    By invitation only. Accreditation requests can be made via accreditation tool, HERE.



  • Event, Side Event


    In der kommenden Saison feiert DER BERLINER SALON, gegründet von Christiane Arp, Vorsitzende des Fashion Council Germany, und Marcus Kurz, Geschäftsführer von Nowadays, sein 10-jähriges Bestehen in einer beeindruckenden historischen Location. Die Gruppenausstellung präsentiert über 50 nationale und internationale Designer in eindrucksvollen Installationen. Seiner Mission treu bleibend, verstärkt DER BERLINER SALON sein Engagement zur Förderung nachhaltiger Labels mit dem Fokus, die außergewöhnliche Handwerkskunst und Eleganz der deutschen Mode zu unterstreichen. 

    By invitation only. Accreditation requests can be made via accreditation tool, HERE.



    Matthäikirchplatz 10785 Berlin


  • Berlin Contemporary, Show


    The Berlin-based label WILLIAM FAN was established in 2015.
    Inspired by the thought of creating a uniform and timeless look that incorporates both Chinese and European influences, 
    the brand focuses on precise yet playful tailoring. 
    Bending the boundaries of both gender and culture, the progressive designs always mirror the balance between tradition and modernity. 
    Sleek and subtle sophistication come together with a vibrant and expressive lightness which are at the core of the brand's philosophy and heart and apparent in every aspect of the brand's presence.

    By invitation only. Accreditation requests can be made via accreditation tool, HERE.



  • NEWEST, Show


    By invitation only. Accreditation requests can be made via accreditation tool, HERE.



  • Berlin Contemporary, Show


    By invitation only. Accreditation requests can be made via accreditation tool, HERE.



  • Berlin Contemporary, Show

    Laura Gerte

    LOOPED & BOUND is inspired by the dissolution between humans and machines, blending fashion presentation with elements of performance & stage.

    By invitation only. Accreditation requests can be made via accreditation tool, HERE.



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